Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog Post 9: Project Title, Issue, and Action Plan

Solar Power

Our group is presenting on solar power - specifically why it is not being utilized to greater extents. We also plan to develop a "take-home-message" regarding the future of solar power and whether or not it is a viable option as a sustainable energy source.

Blog Post 8: Ethical Question

Is it ethical for a physician to accept Wild tickets from a pharmaceutical rep to take her family to the game?

Provide an argument for this based on the current ethical fabric of society and what is accepted in the organizations involved.

I believe the simple act of gifting hockey tickets does not carry any sort of implications whatsoever. Therefore, I don't see anything ethically wrong with accepting the free tickets from a pharm rep. It is fairly common for business partners involved in this type of relationship to exchange gifts. I feel as if the act of trading gifts, such as hockey tickets, is more of a courteous business gesture used to build a solid relationship rather than an under-the-table gray-area bribery tactic.  If I was in the physician's position, I wouldn't feel any sort of obligation to the pharm company.

Blog Post 7: General Ethics

Post an ethical code/statement for your career field of interest that has been developed by a professional organization in your field.

America Chemical Society Code of Ethics (PDF)

Post this code/statement for the following countries: USA, India, China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Isreal

USA - see above

The other countries listed either do not have a national professional organization, or the national professional organization doesn't have a specific code or statement on ethics.

Blog Post 6: Diversity

Talk about what diversity means to you. And explain how valuing and championing diversity will help you in your career.

To me, diversity is not only embracing but utilizing the different characteristics of different people. Everyone is different, and everyone has different and unique experiences to contribute and share with each other. Embracing diversity allows us to build off of the broad range of others' experiences rather than only interacting with people we are similar to and/or most comfortable around.  As our guest speaker pointed out, we have a propensity to associate with people who are "like us" and avoid those who are different. This behavior isolates us from entire realms of thought associated with people from different life experiences.

Post the diversity statements from 5 companies or organizations in your field of interest, comment how they are similar and/or different. How do each of these fit with your own diversity values?

3M: Vision:To be a company reflecting the diversity of 3M’s global customers, building on each employee’s capabilities through inclusive leadership in order to accelerate business and professional growth.

DuPont: In DuPont we will have an organization in which people of all backgrounds can contribute and achieve their full potential in pursuit of personal and organizational excellence.

Dow Chemical: Inherent in the human element that drives Dow, diversity is viewed as a source of advantage. We value the differing experiences, backgrounds and perspectives among our employees, and draw from those differences to fuel innovation. We are committed to building a vibrant, diverse and talented employee base – and helping each employee grow and develop as part of Dow's inclusive global community.

Johnson & Johnson: vision:  To maximize the global power of diversity and inclusion to drive superior business results and sustainable competitive advantage

Bristol-Myers Squibb: At Bristol-Myers Squibb, having a diverse team of employees and an inclusive culture is vital for innovation and successfully executing our BioPharma business strategy. We are committed to fostering a globally diverse workforce and a companywide culture that encourages excellence, leadership, innovation and a balance between our personal and professional lives.

All five of these companies embrace diversity.  One thing I noticed they all mention in their diversity statements is that not only are they interested in the way diversity benefits employees, they are concerned with the way it benefits their business. One thing that has resonated with what we have been learning all semester is that companies are driven by money - clearly these companies are interested in diversity for several reasons, but one of them is definitely money. 

Blog Post 5: Completed PDP

Post your complete PDP

(submitted to D2L dropbox)

Blog Post 4: CO2 paper evaluation

1. Post your group's presentation.

2. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the criteria established. Where these good criteria, or should there have been different criteria established?

The criteria were pretty solid, however I think the credibility of the authors could have come into play a bit more than we expected.

3. Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the presentations as a whole. Consider the "yes" and "no" groups as a whole.

I think all of the groups presented quite solid arguments.  Both sides used the information we had to build a solid argument for their respective position. However, since our class was divided into two groups researching opposing sides, it was easy for any off-base arguments to be picked apart. I think this factor led to more solid information being presented.

4. Reflect on the group management of your group. What went well, what did not?

Our group worked well together, although I think we could have been more productive. I think it would have been more beneficial for the group if we all worked on separate aspects of the paper. We all kind of collaborated on the presentation as a whole which may have decreased our productivity. 

5. Reflect on the personal "ethic" you felt in your group. Did you believe in your position? Where you arguing against your beliefs?

After getting more in-depth into the research, I began to feel that the paper was not credible (our group was arguing the opposite).  I think most of our group also realized that the credibility of the paper was questionable at best, and we were then in a position to argue against our beliefs. I think this may have affected the quality of our presentation - it is difficult to present a captivating argument for something you don't believe in.

6. Did the class make the correct decision when considering the broader impacts of the global warming/climate change debate? Why?

I think we did make the correct choice, as I think the vast majority of science and academia disagrees with the assertions that this paper made.

7. Explain the statement, "What we do in the US, soon will not matter." Provide evidence to justify this statement.

This means that our nation's slow, gradual process of of establishing all things "green" and claning/protecting the environment will eventually be surmounted by the deleterious practices of other countries who place a higher value on industrialization than the environment. It is difficult to convince developing countries who are reliant on coal and oil to transition to renewable energy sources (industries still in their infancy) when it is not economically feasible to them whatsoever. Thus, many countries continue non-environmentally-sound industrialization that damages the environment far faster than we can protect it.

8. Explain this statement, "What we do as individuals matters." Provide evidence to justify this statement.

The example used in class is that unplugging your phone charger isn't going to save the world. Although it doesn't hurt to make more conscious decisions in that regard, it certainly isn't going to save the environment. The common ideology we have is to be reactive in our conquest of sustaining our environment; we recycle, re-use, and minimize waste. These are all great things to do, but they really aren't fixing anything. We need to be proactive in fixing the environment - we can't continue digging carbon from the ground and burning it into the atmosphere forever- it simply isn't possible. Someone is going to develop a technology someday that can change the way we use energy.  We need to work forward, not backward, and in that sense, what we are doing today as individuals will someday change the way we use energy.

Blog Post 2: Penny weight presentation

Post on your blog your group presentation related to the questions on masses posed in class:
What would a penny weigh picked up from the sidewalk?
What would a 1908 penny weigh?
What would a 1793 penny weigh?

Also, post a reflection on your presentation, the other presentations, and thoughts on how these could be even better.

As mentioned in class, the presentations were all lacking in scientific content and data. I think most groups (including ours) were somewhat daunted by the task of creating 7 minutes of content on pennies. We resorted to utilizing filler that had essentially nothing to do with the true question we were to address.